Dorris Hough Photos

DORRIS SOULE HOUGH was born in New Bedford, MA July 27, 1889.
She was also known to her family as Doddie, and to her friends as Ted.
She died December 7, 1985 in Vineyard Haven, MA, at 96 years of age.

3 months old Dorris and Hilda

Hilda 1 1/2 years old, and Dorris 2 1/2Hilda 3 1/2 and Dorris 4 1/2

Dorris, Maggie and HildaDorris, Katherine, Hilda

July 27,1898 age 10 years 5 months
New Bedford, Christmas 1899

Dorris age 11 1899: Dorris, Hilda, Katherine Hough,
Katherine Smith, Garry Hough Jr, Bill Smith

542 County Street, New Bedford June 1905
Hough family home 1891-1921
High School Graduation Day

1909 (The year she graduated from Wellesley.)

1917 (twice) First Girl Scout job 1918 or 1919

Dorris at Battle Creek Summer School, where she was on faculty 2 summers in the 1920's

George Merry and Dorris Hough in beekeeper suits

about 1930

Oct? 1952, taken for
New Bedford Standard


L to R: Rivoire, McClenden, Hough, Clay (handwriting is hard to read)

May 1959: DH, Mattie Camp, Robbie, Katie Lee at birthplace

Savannah, Feb 22, 1962
L to R - McClenden, Brownies Frye and Timberlake, DH, Lacy Baden-Powell, Mrs Pepler, Canada

74 William St., Vineyard Haven, MA, her home after retiring


more of Dorris' family at Hough page

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