Nesmith ancestor photos and inquiries

Susan Nesmith Soule (3 times)

7. SUSAN CRAM3 NESMITH (Carver Parker4, Isaac5, James6, James7, James8, James9) was born in Brooks, ME March 11, 1839. Susan died February 18, 1921 in New Bedford, MA, at 81 years of age. She married RUFUS ALBERTSON SOULE August 28, 1859.
for more about the Soule family, go to the Soule page

169. JAMES8 NESMITH (James9__) was born in Ireland 1692. James died May 9, 1767 at 74 years of age.
He married ELIZABETH MCKEEN in Ireland, 1714.
James immigrated, 1718.

306. JAMES9 NESMITH was born in Scotland. James died in Ireland.

Seeking descendants of Alice NESMITH, born about 1837 in Brooks Maine to Carver Parker NESMITH and Elenor WILLIAMS. Alice married (1) Captain DOANE. Alice married (2) McGRATH, a tailor and an elegant dresser from a well-to-do family in Boston, an Irishman and a Catholic. They lived on Summer St. in New Bedford MA. They had 2 children: Emily (called Milly, born around 1862, married well and had one adopted child), and Eddie (somewhat younger). Alice Nesmith McGrath had a grandson Eddie McGRATH, born around 1887, who attended sixth grade in New Bedford MA. Alice married (3) MOSHER, and died at age 99.

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